Having served Greater New Orleans since 1938 with a mission to assist underserved communities in securing economic self-reliance, parity, power, and civil rights, the Urban League expanded to a statewide entity in 2016, becoming the Urban League of Louisiana (ULLA). That expansion began in East Baton Rouge Parish and plans to continue throughout the state.
For 85 years and counting, the organization is still relevant in its mission of focusing programs to ensure quality education and access to information, employment, entrepreneurial and economic inclusion opportunities, and shared dignity under the law. ULLA provides services to citizens through programs housed in three essential Centers of Excellence, which take a holistic approach to addressing issues that concern low to moderate-income families: The Center for Education and Youth Development, the Center for Workforce and Economic Development, and the Center for Policy and Social Justice.
As the exclusive event management team for the Urban League of Louisiana Empowerment Policy Conference, NOCCI provided the following services for this event:
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